Join our network of Young Investigators

Welcome to the Young Investigator section of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP)! Our mission is to foster collaboration, innovation, and knowledge exchange among early career researchers interested in the fascinating field of gravitational physiology. Whether you are a student, postdoc, or early-career scientist, we invite you to join us in exploring the effects of gravity on living organisms and advancing our understanding of physiological processes in space and on Earth. 


Delve into the frontier of gravitational physiology research. Explore the latest findings, breakthroughs, and challenges shaping our understanding of how gravity influences biological systems.


Forge meaningful connections with fellow young investigators and experts in the field. Engage in lively discussions, share insights, and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects that push the boundaries of gravitational physiology.


Seize opportunities to present your research, contribute to scientific discussions, and shape the future of the field. From organizing events to advocating for research funding, there are countless ways to get involved and leave your mark with the ISGP Young Investigators.

Meet the research groups

Leaders in Gravitational Physiology: From ground-based studies to experiments conducted aboard space missions, explore the breadth of research being conducted by our member laboratories. Discover the diverse approaches, techniques, and scientific questions driving their investigations.
International Collaborations: Discover how our groups work together and with third parties to achieve successful research, ignite innovation and propel our understanding of gravitational biology forward.

Meet the Young Investigators

Faces of the Future: Meet the young investigators whose research will forward our understanding of how organisms sense, respond to, and adapt to life in space. Gain insights from their experiences, expertise, and perspectives on the past, present, and future of gravitational biology.
Get to know us: From sharing stories of our scientific journeys to discussing our research interests and aspirations, we’re excited to connect with you on a personal level.

Discover Career Opportunities

Young Investigator Awards: The Young Investigator Award at the ISGP annual meeting commends exceptional contributions from emerging gravitational physiology researchers. Open to students and recent PhD graduates, these awards highlight the top 12 abstracts for presentation in plenary sessions.
Career Resources: Explore job postings, mentoring programs, and career development resources designed to support your transition from academia to industry, government, or nonprofit sectors.


Join the yISGP to receive the latest updates on Early Career Opportunities and the Young Investigator activities!


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