ISGP and Frontiers in Physiology are pround to announce

their agreement for partnership !


The aim of this partnership is to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning biological and physiological effects of gravity. We remain independent entities.

Frontiers in Physiology is the second most-cited Physiology journal which will be considered for publication. Frontiers will publish our annual proceedings. Frontiers and ISGP will organize two Research Topics together each year.

Frontiers will contribute to make the ISGP well known as an academic international society in gravitational physiology and biology and will help us to promote our events (such as annual meetings & webinar).

Research topics settled with Frontiers in Physiology


  • Our new research topic with Frontiers is open for 2023
    Space Physiology and Medicine: Reports and unique data obtained on small sample sizes

==> Submissions open !

  • Women in Space Physiology – 2022 –

==> See the publications!

  • Space Countermeasures and Medicine – Implementation into Earth medicine and Rehabilitation

==> See the publications !

  • Rising Stars in Environmental, Aviation and Space Physiology: 2022

==> See the publications !

  • Cardio-vascular dysfunction and physiological manifestations induced by environmental conditions: 2021-2022

==> Download the e-book !


Proceedings published with Frontiers in Physiology

42st ISGP meeting – 2023 ==>

Frontiers page (you need to log with Frontiers web site) 

For direct download  : click here

41st ISGP meeting – 2021 ==>

Frontiers page (you need to log with Frontiers web site)

For direct download  : click here

40th ISGP meeting – 2019 ==>

Frontiers page (you need to log with Frontiers web site)

For direct download  : click here

39th ISGP meeting – 2018  ==>

Frontiers page (you need to log with Frontiers web site)

For direct download  : click here