ISGP brings together scientists, MD, PharmD and engineers who are studying not only space physiology and hypergravity but also orthostatism. We have a necessarily integrative approach because gravity is acting on all of our functions. ISGP is a very important scientific society that allows us to share our work and always keep this integrative view of physiology.
The broad scientific spectrum of the International Society of Gravitational Physiology emphasizes gravity, life and physiology as its anchors. Gravitational physiology is considered to include the effects of the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force environment on cells, integrated physiological systems and behavior/performance of humans, animals and plants.
We are pleased to host the ISGP annual meeting for the very first time in the Netherlands. Since the Netherlands hosts the largest center of the European Space Agency (ESA), the ESA technology center ESTEC, it was obvious to combine efforts and host the meeting at ESTEC in Noordwijk. This also provided the opportunity to combine the ISGP meeting the with ESA effect to explore and apply space related activities in the field of Health. We are now a couple of months before the meeting and working hard to implement the scientific and social program. We are looking forward to welcome you in Noordwijk in June. Be sure to book your hotel in time since Noordwijk is a very popular beach resort around this time of year.
I have participated to all the ISGP symposiums during my Master and Ph.D. student period (2013-2017). ISGP meetings represented a wonderful opportunity to meet international scientific specialists and others students and to learn more about life sciences. Moreover ISGP provided a unique opportunity for speaking up and to develop competences which are necessary to pass successfully my thesis. I get a young researcher award in Toulouse, which has been a good support for the future in my curriculum.
Thank you ISGP 🙂
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